We had some great check-in’s this week with the first one so far to be via Satellite. Well done M0KNC ex VK4KNA, Neil. From his check-in email – “This is Winlink via QO-100, a geostationary satellite over Africa. Uplink on 2.4Ghz with a DIY Helix in a 90cm dish, Downlink on 10.489635Ghz to the same […]
Author: admin
First General Meeting
Proposed date for the first General Meeting via ZOOM online is the Sunday 21st June 2020 at 7:30pm AEST. We would like as many people there as possible so we can formalise things and hopefully we should have a repeater either online or very close.
ACMA Information on their role for Amateur Radio. LINK: ACMA FACT SHEET It is worth the read and very informative and gives some great information for the future of Amateur Radio.
Site inspection Sydney site
Well we went to have a look at an option for a site we have found, we don’t yet have permission to use the site but we have contact details. Looking at the coverage map it has great coverage over South Western Sydney. Equipment is being sourced for this where ever it happens to be […]
Finally, we have submitted our first repeater application for a 70cm repeater in Hurstville, Sydney. The coverage is great out over the east and south east areas over Botany Bay and surrounds. This will initially be set up on P25 and other modes as the requirement grows if required. If you would like to have […]
Great to see the check-ins start again as we start to get back to normal, the challenge will be to see how each gateway goes with the current conditions. Click to see log.
Chasing Hardware for Repeaters
We are chasing hardware at a reasonable cost to be able to build up digital repeaters. Mainly Radios at this point are needed. As we are building repeaters for smaller country towns that have limited number of local Amateur’s these need to be affordable. If you think you might have some equipment to offer please […]
Amateur Radio Repeater Group Inc is here to help get Digital repeaters up assisting the country with smaller lower powered and lower cost ways to get onto Digital modes. If you want to help or get involved send us an email to info at arrg dot club Incorporated in NSW INC2000499 with members in VK2 […]
First Callsign Application submitted
Great news our first callsign application has been submitted for our JOTA event coming up this year. Going to keep it as a permanent callsign for JOTA use. Great way to introduce new people to Digital modes, we will be running DStar, C4FM, DMR & P25 directly from the site as well as use the […]