Winlink Checkin's Weekly

ZL/VK Winlink Check-in General Information.

Check out Winlink website if you want information about how it works. Our weekly check-in net is structured so that people send a standard format email and we collate the information posting it online. We like to share information about each others stations, about the gateways and how their setup. If you do anything […]

Winlink Checkin's Weekly

ZL/VK Weekley Check-in’s

Well back on track, even if a little late after doing night shift wipes out the weekend and Monday. Some interesting stuff going on around the world, N0UYH, Ben from Iona, Bonneville, Idaho, USA said it was a sunny day with Smoke haze from the California Fires. We in Australia fully understand what summer fire […]

Winlink Checkin's Weekly

Winlink Check-in’s Late, Delayed update.

I must apologise as I have had many things in my life take their toll on me over the last month, we had to move in a rush whilst still working 12 hour shifts, I don’t at this point even have anything Amateur Radio setup. Not even a digital hotspot. I have gone through the […]