Winlink Checkin's Weekly

ZL/VK Weekley Check-in’s

Well back on track, even if a little late after doing night shift wipes out the weekend and Monday.

Some interesting stuff going on around the world, N0UYH, Ben from Iona, Bonneville, Idaho, USA said it was a sunny day with Smoke haze from the California Fires.

We in Australia fully understand what summer fire and smoke weather can be like when we have just come out of our biggest summer fires. Slowly into Spring now with summer coming up soon. We have had some wide spread rain so things will grow and it makes it hard to do hazard reduction burns, I hope we don’t end up back into the thick fire weather.

This weeks check-in’s

Would be great to see some info on people’s setups. I know there are some Pi’s out  there as well as some SCS modem’s( a dream of mine but $$$$ fails me everytime).

Would love to get some Gateway info as well, setups etc. I know that VK4LM has a great write up on their Gateway station that is well worth the look at

Send me some info and I will share it around, post it up on the internet and I will like to it. Everyone does things differently and their own way and it is great to see the difference’s. Personally I would love to see M0KNC Neil setup getting into the Sat over Europe to send his check-in’s that has to be the longest distance traveled of any mesg’s I have received.

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