Winlink Checkin's Weekly

Winlink Check-in’s Late, Delayed update.

I must apologise as I have had many things in my life take their toll on me over the last month, we had to move in a rush whilst still working 12 hour shifts, I don’t at this point even have anything Amateur Radio setup. Not even a digital hotspot.

I have gone through the list of people who checked in and updated their details below, I will also put this link out as an email to those that checked it.

I would like to personally and publicly acknowledge K6IBP, Curtis who went out of his way and actually checked up on me via other means outside of Winlink. Thank you, I am sorry I didn’t reply directly and sooner than this, Amateur Radio just took a serious back seat to all my other issues going on at the time.

If people are still interested in doing it, I am still going to post updates, I have been watching some people with interesting seeing them challenge themselves to get Raspberry Pi’s working with ARDOP/Pat away from Windows, which is really very good to see the challenges people are going to make it happen.

Anyway, over to you, keep sending and I will update weekly. I have some of my mojo back, I need to work on getting more of it back and hopefully with an interview for a job coming up tomorrow I will get the job and be able to get away from shift work and back to a real life that doesn’t drain my mojo.


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