Well it was a little slow this week and I was busy with that 4 letter word that gets in the way of fun meaning I couldn’t get to this until now.
We had a connection of not a great distance but crossing international boarders which was fun to look up just for the fun of it. Well done K6IBP Curtis, it was a bit of fun looking up the gateway you used.
Wade VK1MIC has made great use of his Raspberry Pi setup running on the KM4ACK V3 setup. I built the original of this when Jason started and have yet to build this version myself, I am awaiting a Pi4 so I can build it up on a more powerful version and make great use of it. I have the GPS on it way to make a usable setup to travel with when there is no internet. Check out KM4ACK Jason’s Youtube Channel for great Amateur Radio Projects using the Raspberry Pi. It’s well worth the look.
Also of some note this week, I found a video from June by Andreas Spiess HB9BLA using the Satellite Q0-100 which is what Neil M0KNC has used as well for his Winlink Check-in’s in the past. This looks like a great tool in Amateur Radio for those who can make use.